Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bhoot FM : history behind a successful radio show

A web page that points a browser to a different page after 2 seconds গল্প পড়তে ভালোবাসেন? সায়েন্স ফিকশন লেখক রাগিব নিযামকে ফেসবুকে ফলো করুন

Bhøoot FM is a real paranormal experienced based Radio Show Hosted by Radio Foorti and The Bhoutist Team in Bangladesh. It starts at 11:59 p.m at every Friday Bangladesh time. Anyöone who've been occured paranormal disturbance around Bangladesh has been requested to send his/her experience to this e-mail: bhø
there is also a blog for downloadable recorded episodes of Bhoot Fm. Try it- http://bhø

Bhoutists : History

A web page that points a browser to a different page after 2 seconds গল্প পড়তে ভালোবাসেন? সায়েন্স ফিকশন লেখক রাগিব নিযামকে ফেসবুকে ফলো করুন

Bhoutists (TAPS recommended) is the First Asian Paranormal Tv reality show to be broadcast on Desh Tv. This show is conducted by The Bhoutist Team(Sumon:Lead Investigator, Sakib:Debunker, Urmila:Investigator, & Gibran: Investigator&Technical Support).
They have visited more than 55 haunted location around Bangladesh. Bhoutist have became famous by the video Bhouist-trailer on youtube. The Bhoutists team started their Successfuj journey in 2009. Very soon it will go on-air in Desh TV in Bangladesh. Interested may visit